Recent Posts by SVG Staff

German Broadcasters Use Lawo V__link4 For Daily Live Broadcasts Via Remote Production

German national public broadcasters ARD and ZDF have been relaying live coverage from Brazil since June 12.  For the first time, the broadcast is being handled without an OB van on-site; instead, the entire studio delivers remote production to the main studio control room in the International Broadcast Center (IBC) 35 km away. Signal transfer […]  More

Globosat Kicks Ultra HD TV Broadcast of 2014 World Cup Games to Envivio

Showing the promise of 4K TV to early adopters of next generation TV technology, Envivio  announced that Globosat, a leading content provider to cable, satellite and IPTV operators in South America, has added Envivio as one of Globosat’s partners to broadcast live the quarter, semi-final and final 2014 World Cup games in Ultra HD/4K resolution. […]  More

Live from Salvador: Briggs, Podlesskiy ready team for U.S. vs. Belgium match

It’s 2014 FIFA World Cup match day here in Salvador as the US and Belgium take to the pitch later this afternoon to see who will advance to the quarterfinals. Prior to the match we were able to chat with venue Yvonne Briggs, Broadcast Venue Manager as well as Sergei Podlesskiy, Venue Technical Manager at […]  More

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